Wednesday, August 24, 2005

H2O phenomena and

so, I was on this blog today:

I enjoyed her entry about water because I’m a bottled water connoisseur…
a bottledwateroholic…

a bottled water snob...
a bottled water extremist…
a bottled water lover…
a bottled water freak…
anyway, at least I own up to my bottled water issues. i've been a bottled water connoisseur for as long as i can remember... maybe it has something to do with living in Oklahoma and preferring filtered H2O to tap?

no, i'm not the water lady from Return to Me.
(what a great movie! ).

here’s something else that I found funny on her blog:
oh… dear… lord…


Anonymous said...


Can't help but wonder who you were checking out on this site? LOL! Just teasing.


Anonymous said...

My mom and grandparents never let me drink anything but filtered or bottled. So now, when Dustin takes a drink right out of the faucet, I want to vomit.

Anonymous said...


I've found that nothing makes people more mad than after they complain about gas prices, you just point to their bottled water and ask them if the mind paying $4.00/gallon for water.

I hate the Arkansas river Oklahoma water, though.


Anonymous said...

bottled water is the way to go here. it all tastes the same, except evian, which is better somehow, maybe it's in my head, but every now and then i splurge for it...

where's the don' website??