Saturday, September 06, 2008

must see video

Do you believe that life is gift? I do. I believe life is a gift from God.
Would you kill a living, breathing baby? No? I wouldn't either. I think most people wouldn't.

I don't know about you, but when I consider all of the issues surrounding this next election... there's only one that I really need to know about. It's called induced labor abortion or infanticide. It's the killing of fully born infants who have survived a failed abortion attempt. They are left to die without any medical attention. Here is a video of the nurse who testified at the US House committee and various state committees. This is the same nurse who testified in Illinois, in front of Obama, about a 21-22 week old baby who she held until he died.

How many times did Barack Hussein Obama vote for infanticide? Records show: 3 times.

Please take the time to watch the video. Thank you.


Catherine Zoller said...

How do I get you and Tara on my blog roll, oh great computer wizard?

Pithy Writer said...
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kristin said...

thanks for your support, PW. Appreciate it.

Pithy Writer said...
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Pithy Writer said...

i'll shut up now.