Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the controversial "Blingin in the Rain"


yes, kinda creepy... but i like it. Thanks VW.


Anonymous said...

I may have been out of the country for too long... why is the video controversial? I think its awesome!

kristin said...

Kelly's widow has banned it from the US.

Here's a story about it:


kristin said...

fyi, Mint Royale (in the UK) did the remix.
It will be on their 3rd album "See You In The Morning" that's due to be released in August.

Anonymous said...

Kristin, have a Happy 4th. I, too, love Office Space. "I have a meeting with the Bobs in a couple minutes". Also, my favorite line is "Why should I have to change my name? He's the no-talent ass-clown". Just thought I'd share.

kristin said...

i love that line too! So many great quotables from that flick! I hope i have a good 4th too... i think i'll be in Kansas. whoohoo! anyway, thanks for the comment. Hope ya'all have a great holiday! Let's seriously get together in July. I need a Duntley fix.

Anonymous said...

kristin -

once again you have fallen off the face of my earth. i think i read on here a while back you had surgery. I heard from someone else you moved and that Melinda wanted to set you up on a date with wes. I miss you and your dad.

Anonymous said...

oh that last comment was from me... Stacey