Wednesday, May 11, 2005


well, hey my friends... i'm doing alright. my surgery went well. i haven't updated this in quite awhile because i'm not plugged into the web at home... ridiculous, i know. anyway, i'm allowed to drive now so i'm at the LIBRARY checking email & thought i'd write a line to say i'm doing good. also, just want to say thanks to all of you who contnue to pray for me! you all are awesome. i'll be talking to ya soon! much love, k


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you, kid. We miss ya.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristin. I'm glad you are up and about now... enjoy the rest while you've got it though! Gotta love the library runs. The last month of being in Tulsa consisted of going to the library to check emails...

Anonymous said...

Hello!! Glad you are back up and out! Enjoy the break because we are going to work you to death when you come back. Hugs!!! Cyndi

Tim & Cynthia Johnston said...

Hello!! I see Stephanie posted on your blog I was reading her blog and then it was gone I see they got a new one. What is up with that?